professor holding mechanical design component


The Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering (MIE) has a vibrant research environment motivated by our dedicated faculty. Our research programs are funded by many government agencies. In addition to the government, working with academia and industry is part of our focus. We have established large-scale collaborations with government agencies and industry including Rogers Corporation and Dow Chemical, Army Research Laboratory, and Raytheon Integrated Defense Systems.

Research activities at the department can be classified by research areas and by research centers. The department is focused within twelve disciplinary, interdisciplinary, and trans-disciplinary research themes strengthened by the wide range of MIE faculty expertise. Department faculty are leveraging Northeastern’s global network and Institutes to build strong research partnerships, these include the Kostas Research Institute for Homeland Security – Burlington, MA, Roux Institute – Portland, MA, Institute for Experiential Robotics, Network Science Institute, Institute for Experiential AI, and Global Resilience Institute.  The department also leads two research centers, including the Center for High Rate Nanomanufacturing and the Healthcare Systems Engineering Institute, both federally funded.

View faculty profiles to learn about their research, including work being conducted in their laboratories. Also, view our Annual Reports.

Recent News

Zheng Wins 2024 Raymond Viskanta Award

MIE Associate Professor Yi Zheng is the recipient of the 2024 Raymond Viskanta Award, one of the highest honors for faculty in the field of radiative heat transfer. He received this esteemed award at the 5th International Workshop on Nano-Micro Thermal Radiation (NanoRad 2024) in Sapporo, Hokkaido, Japan. He also delivered an invited presentation, “Cost-effective Functional Energy Materials for Thermal Radiative Applications,” at the event.

$1.5M NSF Grant to Develop New Photonic Materials

MIE/ECE Associate Professor Yongmin Liu and ECE Assistant Professor Sunil Mittal, in collaboration with Professor Wenshan Cai from Georgia Institute of Technology and Professor Alexandra Boltasseva from Purdue University, are leading a $1,500,000 NSF DMREF grant for “Accelerating the Design and Development of Engineered Photonic Materials based on a Data-Driven Deep Learning Approach.”

Ergun Gives Plenary Speech at ISMP 2024

MIE Distinguished Professor Ozlem Ergun is giving a plenary speech at the upcoming 25th International Symposium on Math Programming that will focus on her research related to the improvement of global food aid operations using mathematical programming.

Developing the World’s First Sub-THz Satellite Network Platform

ECE Professor and Interim Chair Josep Jornet, MIE Professor Andrew Gouldstone, ECE Professor Kaushik Chowdhury, ECE William Lincoln Smith Professor Tommaso Melodia, and ECE/COS Professor Ken Duffy, in collaboration with the Morehead State University Space Science Center, were awarded a $750,000 NSF grant for the “Development towards a Community Research Platform for sub-THz Satellite Communication Networks.”