Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering

Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering


Mechanical engineering involves the design, development, and manufacture of machinery and devices to transmit power or to convert energy from thermal to mechanical form in order to power the modern world and its machines. Its current practice has been heavily influenced by recent advances in computer hardware and software.

Mechanical engineers use computers to formulate preliminary and final designs of systems or devices, to perform calculations that predict the behavior of the design, and to collect and analyze performance data from system testing or operation.

Traditionally, mechanical engineers have designed and tested devices, such as heating and air-conditioning systems, machine tools, internal-combustion engines, and steam power plants. Today they also play primary roles in the development of new technologies in a variety of fields—energy conversion, solar energy utilization, environmental control, prosthetics, transportation, manufacturing, and new-materials development.

Innovative Curriculum

The curriculum in mechanical engineering focuses on four areas: applied mechanics, thermofluids engineering, materials science, and controls. Applied mechanics is the study of the motion and deformation of structural elements acted on by forces in devices that range from rotating industrial dynamos to dentists’ drills. Thermofluids engineering deals with the motion of fluids and the transfer of energy, as in the cooling of electronic components or the design of gas turbine engines. Materials science is concerned with the relationship between the structure and properties of materials and with the control of structure, through processing, to achieve desired properties. Practical applications are in the development of composite materials, metallurgical process industries, and advanced functional materials. Controls are critical to any engineered system in which sensors and actuators of several types communicate and function.

Courses in each area form the foundation for advanced analytical and creative design courses that culminate in a two-semester capstone design project. Faculty encourages students throughout the curriculum to use computer-aided design tools and high-performance computer workstations.

Students have the option of selecting from several minors to complement their degree and personalize their path. Students can select from minors in the department, in other engineering departments, or from across the university.

The Accelerated Master’s Degree PlusOne program allows current undergraduate students to accelerate the attainment of the master’s degree by applying graduate credits taken as an undergraduate toward both the undergraduate and graduate degrees. Current students apply to enroll in the PlusOne program. Students attain their bachelor’s degree followed by a PlusOne year to complete the master’s degree.

Students currently earning a BS in Mechanical Engineering can select from the below MS degree PlusOne pathways.

BS in Mechanical Engineering PlusOne Pathways Additional Prerequisites
PlusOne in Bioengineering
PlusOne in Chemical Engineering CHME 2308
PlusOne in Civil and Environmental Engineering, Concentration in Water, Environmental, Coastal Systems CIVE 2331, CIVE 2334, CIVE 2340
PlusOne in Civil Engineering, Concentration in Construction Management
PlusOne in Civil Engineering, Concentration in Structures
PlusOne in Civil Engineering, Concentration in Transportation
PlusOne in Cyber-Physical Systems
PlusOne in Data Analytics Engineering
PlusOne in Data Architecture and Management
PlusOne in Electrical and Computer Engineering, Concentration in Communication, Control, Signal Processing EECE 2150, EECE 2412, EECE 2413, EECE 2520, EECE 3468*
*May be replaced with another probability course
PlusOne in Electrical and Computer Engineering, Concentration in Computer Networks and Security EECE 2150, EECE 2160, EECE 2412, EECE 2413, and two of the following: EECE 2322 (with EECE 2323), EECE 2540, or EECE 2560
PlusOne in Electrical and Computer Engineering, Concentration in Computer Systems and Software EECE 2150, EECE 2160, EECE 2412, EECE 2413, and two of the following: EECE 2322 (with EECE 2323), EECE 2540, or EECE 2560
PlusOne in Electrical and Computer Engineering, Concentration in Computer Vision, Machine Learning, Algorithms EECE 2150, EECE 2160, EECE 2412, EECE 2413, and two of the following: EECE 2322 (with EECE 2323), EECE 2540, or EECE 2560
PlusOne in Electrical and Computer Engineering, Concentration in Electromagnetics, Plasma, Optics EECE 2150, EECE 2160, EECE 2412, EECE 2413, EECE 2530, EECE 2531
PlusOne in Electrical and Computer Engineering, Concentration in Microsystems, Materials, Devices EECE 2150, EECE 2412, EECE 2413, and one of the following: EECE 3393, EECE 3410, or EECE 4524 (with EECE 4525)
PlusOne in Electrical and Computer Engineering, Concentration in Power Systems EECE 2150, EECE 2412, EECE 2413, EECE 2520
PlusOne in Energy Systems
PlusOne in Engineering & Public Policy
PlusOne in Engineering Management
PlusOne in Human Factors
PlusOne in Industrial Engineering
PlusOne in Information Systems
PlusOne in Mechanical Engineering, General Concentration
PlusOne in Mechanical Engineering, Materials Concentration
PlusOne in Mechanical Engineering, Mechanics Concentration
PlusOne in Mechanical Engineering, Mechatronics Concentration
PlusOne in Mechanical Engineering, Thermofluids Concentration
PlusOne in Operations Research
PlusOne in Robotics, Mechanical Engineering Concentration
PlusOne in Software Engineering Systems
PlusOne in Telecommunication Networks

The Bachelor of Science Program in Mechanical Engineering is accredited by the Engineering Accreditation Commission of ABET,

Experiential Learning

Experiential learning is the heart of a Northeastern education, combining rigorous coursework with hands-on experience in the classroom, in the lab, and in the field—locally and abroad. With our signature cooperative education (co-op) program, students typically gain six months of work experience integrated as part of the educational program. Both five-year, three-co-op and four-year, two-co-op program options are available.

More than 90 percent of department undergraduate students take advantage of the cooperative education program. Cooperative education assignments increase in responsibility and technical challenge as students progress through the program. Initial positions may involve computer-intensive CAD/CAM assignments or programming tasks, while more advanced jobs will place students in charge of design, quality-control systems, and performance testing of equipment.

Ethan Flynn, BS, Mechanical Engineering, says co-op sets you up for the future. He completed three co-ops in his 4.5 years at Northeastern: Sikorsky working on Black Hawk helicopters, NASA JPL working on the Mars Rover 2020, and at SpaceX, which he converted to a full time position!

Program Contacts

Andrew Gouldstone
Professor and Associate Chair for Undergraduate Affairs,  Mechanical and Industrial Engineering

Biomechanics, material science, engineering mechanics

Academic Advising

For support with academic questions, contact the academic advisor assigned to this program.

Admissions & Aid

Ready to take the next step? Review Degree Requirements to see courses needed to complete this degree. Then, explore ways to pay for your education. Finally, review Admissions Information to see our deadlines and gather the materials you need to Apply.

Recent News

Finding the Right Path Through Perseverance and Co-op

Through his drive and self-motivation, David Long, E’78, mechanical engineering technology, made the most out of his co-op experiences, which laid the groundwork for a 40-year career in nuclear power.

Exploring New Career Opportunities Through Co-op

Through his co-op journey, Peter Woskov, E’07, mechanical engineering technology, learned to leave the door open for new experiences, allowing him to have a successful career after graduating.

Creating a Sustainable Future Through Engineering Management

Paul Van Trotsenburg, E’22, mechanical engineering, MS’23, engineering management, plans to fully utilize his two degrees by working to create sustainable energy solutions and help address the climate crisis.

How This 2024 NSF Fellowship Recipient’s Co-op Blossomed Into a Full-Time Career

Jonathan Gray, E’16, mechanical engineering, is the recipient of the 2024 NSF Graduate Research Fellowship, which will contribute to his PhD in aerospace engineering at UCLA. Since 2016, he has worked as a project engineer at ATA Engineering, where he completed his first co-op.

Professional Licensure: If looking for information on obtaining Professional Licensure, visit the Professional Licensure Disclosure Page or contact the Associate Dean for Undergraduate Education, Susan Freeman, at