Minor in Healthcare Systems Operations

Minor in Healthcare Systems Operations


The objective of the minor in Healthcare System Operations is to prepare students to apply industrial and systems engineering methods in healthcare applications. Distinct from other service industries, healthcare systems are characterized by (i) extensive complexities driven by communication between and interdependencies among multiple actors, and (ii) the need to simultaneously address multiple competing objectives pertaining to economic, quality-driven, individual-driven, and population-driven goals.

Innovative Curriculum

This minor will benefit students by highlighting the unique features of this industry and methods for addressing its unique challenges to engineer improvements to the design, operation, and management of healthcare systems.

How to Declare a COE Minor

  • If you are a COE student, please contact your assigned academic advisor to declare a COE Minor.
  • If you are a non-COE student, please submit the College of Engineering Declaration of Minor form.  An academic advisor will be in contact with you within 2 weeks of the form submission.


Program Contacts

Jacqueline Griffin
Associate Professor,  Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
Director of Industrial Engineering and Operations Research,  Mechanical and Industrial Engineering

Health care resource allocation with multi-objective resource allocation models; modeling resiliency in complex systems; design and management of outpatient health care clinics; simulation: discrete event simulation and systems dynamics; deterministic and stochastic optimization

Academic Advising

For support with academic questions, contact the academic advisor assigned to this program.